<Owner Name> is Asking You To Sponsor Them
First of all, thank you for responding to your client's request and following the link they gave you. Your client will be thanking you also!
Hopefully your client explained that sponsoring them is FREE... forever. Hopefully they also explained the danger of Home Title Theft, but if not, ask yourself this question:
If a cybercriminal were STEALING YOUR HOME right now, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW and WHAT WOULD YOU DO? (How about your client’s home?)
The answer is you won’t know, but with our 24/7 monitoring you will be alerted right away.
Then immediately our Title Restoration team and our attorneys will stop the criminal in their tracks and begin the restoration process (at no additional cost).
How does a cybercriminal steal my home?
They forge a fake deed with a fake notary. There is no escrow, so no title search and no title insurance. They mail this fake deed to the county recorder who is required by law to record the deed. Then the criminal either sells your home or gets a hard money loan using a drive by appraisal.
Title Theft is one of the fastest growing cybercrimes. Title Theft ranges from $100k to $500k in damages while Identity Theft is only $5k to $10k. Title Theft steals your home.
Protecting your clients is your #1 Priority: Are you Protecting them from Cybercriminals?
PROTECT YOUR LISTINGS: Homes in MLS are at a greater risk because the criminals get all the listing details and access to the property. Nothing kills a deal like Title Theft!
THE PERFECT CLOSING GIFT: Our protection plan is the Perfect Closing Gift that gives back to you all year because:
It directly relates to real estate
It promotes you as a real estate thought leader
It protects your client’s home and all your properties, too
It keeps you at the top of your client’s mind for quality referrals … all year
Our closing gift does ALL these things… and protects all your properties, too.

How much will it cost for an attorney to restore my title?If you have our protection then we will cover the costs. Now, if you have to get your own attorney, the initial retainer will be $5000 to $15,000. Two factors drive this high cost: 1) Title Theft is often well over six figures and attorneys tend to gauge their value as a percentage of the value they 'recover'. 2) Title restoration requires petitioning the court and proving that fraud occured. Attorneys have to hire a private investigator to prove that fraud occured. A private investigator carrys weight with the judge and the attorney's reputation with the court is 'on the line'. They spend your money to protect their reputation. An investigator's fees can vary widly from $3000 to over $15,000. Now, even though you pay all this money, it does not mean you will get the desired result. The attorney you find and their investigator are NOT going to have direct experience in Title Theft or Title Restoration. With TitleProtectors, this IS OUR LIFE and OUR PASSION! We live and breath it every day. The bottom line is: The actual 'cost' of getting your own attorney could be much more than what you pay the attorney!
Why is Title Theft Massively underreported?FBI crime statistics show 10’s of thousands of Title Theft crimes each year, but the REAL NUMBER is many times greater and here is why: If you tell law enforcement,” Someone stole my home.”, they almost always assume it is a civil matter! The reason is, most of the time, the other party who recorded a deed THINKS they have a legal claim to your property! Now, even if that person is completely and utterly mistaken, there is no intent, and therefore no crime. So, law enforcement saves a lot of effort with, “I’m sorry, but this is a civil matter, you should try to find an attorney.” So, most victims are faced with Googling ‘real estate attorney’ and waiting for a call back from the attorney’s assistant, then waiting for the Conflict Avoidance search to run its course, and then pulling out their checkbook for a retainer fee that ‘reflects’ the 100’s of thousands of dollars that are at risk. Other victims feel they deserve justice and don’t take no for an answer. Some hire an expensive forgery expert, which is not only a waste of money, but can actually backfire. Other victims may complain to their local DA, or State Attorney General, or even the FBI. If persistent, some may find an investigator who comes up with a ways to prove a crime was committed. However, at every step of the way, the victim hears, “We almost never catch these criminals. That’s why they do it.” Also, if any address on the deed is out of jurisdiction (which is most of the time), then the victim gets to start all over convincing another agency (or the FBI) that a crime was committed! So, the sad truth is, Title Theft is grossly underreported. But the good news is: This is what we LIVE FOR! Our experts cut through these roadblocks like a hot knife through butter. We know exactly how to get law enforcement activated and get you the justice you deserve. We block the criminal before they can complete the crime. And most importantly, we restore your title and your good name… at no additional cost.
Don’t title companies and title insurance protect against Title Theft?This is a very common misconception. There are even ‘experts’ who have this wrong! The title insurance provided when you purchased your home only protects you (or the seller) from anything recorded PRIOR to the day you closed on your home. The thief steals your title AFTER you close and title insurance doesn’t protect you into the future. You can learn about other common misconceptions in our Learning Page.
How can you prove to me that the system works?Our system makes it easy for YOU to prove it works! Simply use the Contact Us form and say “I need proof your system works.” We will then authorize your account to enter a property which you do not own, but that you know the closing date. When it closes, the alert you receive will prove our system works.
What is title theft?Title theft is when a cybercriminal forges a deed which takes ownership from you and gives title to them! Then they record this fake deed at the county and sell your home out from under you or take out a hard money loan using a drive by appraisal.
How can I learn more about Title Theft?Title Theft is one of the fastest growing cybercrimes, but the alarming truth is that most of the crimes are never counted in the FBI statistics. Our Learning Page explains why the crimes are NOT counted by the FBI. It also explains the two most two common misunderstandings: 1) Title Insurance protects you; it doesn’t because it only covers up to the day of closing; not into the future. 2) The criminal must steal your identity; they do not because everything they need to steal your home is publicly available. Despite the massive under-reporting of Title Theft, the news is getting out. Our Learning Page has dozens of articles (with direct links) and videos along with FBI and other crime statistics.
How often does Title Theft occur?According to the FBI, Title Theft is one of the fastest growing cybercrimes. But the disturbing truth is Title Theft is massively underreported. There are three main reasons for this: 1) Law enforcement must FIRST prove a crime was committed. 2) They rarely catch the criminal. 3) They have a huge backlog of violent crimes to investigate. Because of these three reasons, law enforcement’s ‘standard approach’ is to tell you (the victim) it is a civil matter; when that happens, the crime is not reported. Check out our Learning Page which explains this and has many supporting articles, law enforcement bulletins, and videos.
How can you give this protection for free for all my properties while HomeTitleLock.com is $240/year per property?We make our money when your real estate agent buys this protection to protect their listings and a Closing Gift for their buyers. When the agent does buy this protection for their clients it is a fraction of the cost of HomeTitleLock.com and protects multiple properties, not just one. We give this free to you and your agent, forever, so they can see how well the system works. Each month when you see your Status Report, if you click the Thank You button, then you will be reminded that a quality referral is the best form of 'Thank You'. When this happens, then ‘everyone wins’ (except, of course, the Cyber Criminal).
What does FREE … forever, really mean?Forever means as long as you are part of a real estate agent – homeowner ‘pair’ and the two of you mostly* click the button to view your Protection Status reports, then it is free for both of you… forever. If either of you move away, or stops participating, we give you plenty of time to choose another to ‘pair’ up with. * ‘Mostly’ means either of you can certainly miss an email or two. When this happens, we will do our best to alert you, but we understand that ‘life happens’. Remember, we can only protect you if you receive and read our Alerts. So, if you don’t click a button for a few months and we’ve done all we can to reach out to you, we will pause your protection. We also ask the agent to participate in a short Zoom call we will invite them to sometime during the next year. The main reason is to make sure they are experiencing all the advantages. For both of you, your monthly status report may have a short advertisement consisting of 2 to 3 short questions, or a tip showing a homeowner the best way to find quality referrals as a thank you to their agent. The total effort is estimated to be a minute or less.
My client asked me to sponsor them, is that why they will thank me every month?Yes! Your client can ONLY get our protection for free if a licensed real estate agent (that’s you) sponsors them. You are the key to their protection. Now, if you give this protection as a Closing Gift then those clients will also get the opportunity to thank you every month! These tiny gestures each month create a powerful reciprocation feedback loop that keeps you at the TOP of your client’s mind all year. This is the gift that gives YOU referrals, all year.
What does it cost to protect listings and give a great Closing Gift to my buyers?The answer is: as low as $59 per year. For this you get to protect your listings because NOTHING will kill a deal faster than Title Theft! Our protection is also the Perfect Closing Gift that gives (referrals) back to YOU all year while protecting your buyers. Here are all the benefits: · It directly relates to real estate (no more cheese platters to the lactose intolerant) · It shows that you are a forward thinking real estate thought leader · It protects your listings and your buyer's which is an agent's biggest value add · It keeps you at the top of your client’s mind for quality referrals … every month for an entire year. Each year on average you client gets four opportunities to give you a referal. The reason you don't get four referals from every client every year is you are NOT at the top of their mind. Our system will get them to thank YOU every month and when they click the Thank You button it will remind them that quality referals are the BEST 'Thank You' they can give. Our closing gift does ALL these things!
** This is a gift, am I expected to do anything?Once a month you will receive a Protection Status Report email with a button which you need to click. This button click is the only way we can make sure you are getting 100% of our emails in case of an Alert. If a real estate agent gave you this gift, then your status report may suggest ways to return the favor by giving your agent quality referrals. But you are not required to give any referrals. The total effort is estimated to be a minute or less.